Panasonic AG-HPX500 Camcorder User Manual

One-shot rec: Convenient for producing animation, this mode
records for a set time (from 1 frame to 1 second) each time you
press the Start button.
Interval rec: Recording one frame at a time at set intervals (from 2
frames to 10 min), this mode is useful for monitoring and special
ultra-undercranking effects.
Clip Thumbnail/Data Function
The P2 cam records each recording as a clip (file) and automatically
attaches a thumbnail image and file information to it. To preview a
clip on the LCD monitor or to check clip data, simply choose the
clip you want from the list of thumbnails.
The thumbnail image and file information can also be displayed on a
PC (using P2 Viewer*) or nonlinear editing software.
* P2 Viewer software for Windows PCs can be downloaded, free of charge.
Shot Marker and Text Memo
A shot mark, which allows convenient OK and NG marking, can be
added to each clip during or after recording. When a P2 card with
marked clips is inserted in a PC*, it's possible to have only the
marked clips displayed. The AG-HPX500 also has a text memo
function. When recording or previewing a clip, press the Text Memo
button at any of up to 100 locations and a blank text memo label is
registered. On your PC*, you can then search for the label and write
a memo into it. * Must have P2 Viewer installed
SD Memory Card Slot
Plug an SD card into the slot provided, and you can save or load
scene files and user-setting files. You can create a metadata upload
file (produced with P2 Viewer) containing information such as the
name of the camera operator, the name of the reporter, the
recording location, and text memos on an SD Memory Card, and
load it as clip metadata.
Clip Thumbnail Display
P2 Viewer