4 Pelco Manual C325SM (3/99)
Pan/tilts in the PT550P Series are designed to remotely position a TV camera in
both the horizontal and vertical attitudes. Pan (horizontal) and tilt (vertical) move-
ments are caused by activating small DC motors in the pan/tilt unit. All Pelco units
are equipped with adjustable limits for both pan and tilt, and all motors are equipped
with electrical filtering circuits to suppress RF interference.
The PT573R and the PT573-24R are medium duty, indoor/outdoor pan/tilts de-
signed for V330APT retrofit applications. Both units feature rugged worm gear final
drives to minimize backlash and prevent wind drift, and are fully adjustable for wear.
The PT570P Series and the PT570-24P Series have been engineered to provide
medium duty, indoor/outdoor pan and tilt operation. All units feature rugged worm
gear final drives to minimize backlash and prevent wind drift, and are fully adjust-
able for wear.
The pan/tilt units of the PT680-24 Series are designed for medium-duty, indoor/
outdoor use. They are factory pre-wired for pan and tilt control functions, motorized
zoom lens operation, camera power, and video. All connections are made at the
input/output connectors, eliminating the need for wiring harnesses. This greatly re-
duces installation time, while increasing reliability and serviceability.
PT550P Medium duty pan/tilt, 115 VDC
PT550P/FGP Medium duty pan/tilt, 115 VDC, with special speed gearing for
pan (9°/sec pan speed)
PT550P/HB Medium duty pan/tilt, 115 VDC, with blanket heater in cover. 75
watts total. 120 VAC.
PT550P/PP Medium duty pan/tilt, 115VDC, with position feedback modifi-
cation. Requires preset control or control having AZL option
(position indication meter).
PT550P/RAD Medium duty pan/tilt, 115 VDC, with radiation resistant wiring
and white epoxy paint. Low level radiation resistant up to 10
PT570P Medium duty pan/tilt, 120 VAC operation.
PT570P/PP Medium duty pan/tilt, 120 VAC operation with preset position
option (PP).
PT570P/RAD Same as PT570P except supplied with radiation resistant white
epoxy paint (resistant up to 10
PT570-24P Medium duty pan/tilt, 24 VAC operation.
PT570-24P/PP Medium duty pan/tilt, 24 VAC operation with preset position
option (PP)
PT570P-24P/RAD Same as PT570-24P except supplied with radiation resistant
white epoxy paint (resistant up to 10
PT573R Medium-duty, indoor/outdoor, 120 VAC.
PT573-24R Medium-duty, indoor/outdoor, 24 VAC.
PT680-24P Medium-duty, indoor/outdoor, 24 VAC.
PT680-24P/PP PT680-24P with preset positioning capabilities.
PT680-24SL PT680-24P with 360° pan rotation.
PT680-24SL/PP PT680-24SL with preset positioning capabilities.