Recording Tips
• Try to make sure indoor scenes are
well-lit. This improves picture quality
and color reproduction.
• Do not move the camcorder rapidly
from side-to-side while recording.
A steady, gradual “pan” avoids
blurring and “jitter”.
• Use the viewfinder or LCD monitor
to make sure the camcorder is level
while recording so that your scene
isn’t “tilted.”
• Do not bump or tap the camcorder’s
microphone while recording because
this sound will be recorded.
• Include close-ups of individuals
when taping family outings or
group functions.
• Fading in and out of scenes makes your
videos appear more professional.
• Learn to use the special production
effects available with your camcorder
to add variety to your recordings.
• Be aware of video and audio back-
grounds. Background details barely
noticed while you are taping may show
up as visual “clutter” on your record-
ing. Background noises (especially TV
sets, radios, household appliances,
traffic sounds, etc.) might detract from
the sound you want to record.
• Avoid long “still” shots of landmarks
and scenic attractions. Recordings are
more interesting if they include people
and details. “Local color” gives travel
videos lasting appeal. Consider
recording a familiar or landmark scene
from an unfamiliar vantage point.