Digital Still Camera Mode
+ The Photo Copy function works only inPlayer mode.
+ Youcan copy still images recordedwith the photo function on a cassette onto a Memory
÷ Rewindthe tape tothe pointwhich you wants.
1. Set the Power switch to PLAYER.
2. Set the Modeswitch to TAPE.
3. Pressthe MENU button.
• The menu listwill appear.
4. Movethe Menu selector tothe left or rightto select Tape,then press the Menuselector.
5. Movethe Menu selector to theleft or rightto select Photo Copy, then press the Menu
All still imagesthat recorded on acassette will be copied ontoa Memory Card.
6. The Camcorderautomatically performsthe photo search to find still images and copy starts.
7. Pressthe • (STOP) button to stop copying.
Copy automaticallystops when the cassette is finished or Memory card is full.
_Move _Select _E×it
Photo Search
_Move _Se]ect _Exit
_6._ _-_ I_- [] 0:44:38:03
PhotoCopy [] 25rain
_Sack _Exit
[ Note ]
Still imagescopiedfromthe cassettetothe memorycardaresavedin 640x480format.