Basic Recording
+ When insertinga tapeor closing the cassette compartment, do not applyexcessive force, as it may cause a malfunction.
÷ Do not use any tapeother than Mini DV cassettes.
1. Turn on your Camcorder,then slidethe TAPE EJECT switch on the upper of
the Camcorderand open the cassette door until itclicks.
• The cassette holderautomatically risesand opens forward.
2. Insert atape into the cassette compartmentwiththe tapewindow facing
outwardandthe protection tab toward the top. (Inserting a Cassette)
Removethe cassette tape,which is automatically ejected bypulling the
cassetteout. (Ejecting a Cassette)
3. Pressthe PUSH label on the cassette holder and wait until it clicksand goes
back into place.
• Do not applyexcessive force or pressure on thecassette holder.
• Do not forciblypushthe cassette holder into the Camcorder.
• The cassette is automaticallyloaded.
4. Close thecassette door.
[ Note ]
Whenyouhaverecordedsomethingthatyouwishto keep,youcanprotectitsothat it will notbe accidentally f_Ja_SAVE
a. Protecting atape:
Pushthesafetytab on the cassettesothatthe holeis uncovered.
b. Removingthetape protection:
Ifyou no longerwishtokeep the recordingonthecassette,pushthe safetytabbacksothatit covers
the hole. f
Howto storeatape /_b_ REC
a. Avoidplaceswith magnetsormagneticinterference.
b. Avoidhumidityanddustproneplaces.
c. Keepthe tapeinanuprightpositionandavoidstoringit in directsunlight.
d. Avoiddroppingorotherwisemishandingyourtapes.