Basic Recording
÷ The ZeroMemory function works in both Cameraand Player modes.
÷ Youcan mark a point on atape that you want to returnto following playback.
1. Setthe Power switchto CAMERA orPLAYER.
2. Setthe Mode switch to TAPE.
Pressthe ZERO MEMORY button on the remote control before the recordingor duringplayback
atthe pointwhere you wish to return.
• The time code is changed to atape counter that is setto Zero Memorywiththe
[] 0:00:00 (Zero Memory indicator).
• Ifyou want to cancel the Zero Memory function, press the ZERO MEMORY buttonagain.
Finding the zero position.
• When you havefinished playback, fast forward or rewind the tape in stop mode.
The tape stops automaticallywhen it reachesthe zero position.
• When you havefinished recording, set the Power switch to PLAYER andpress the
(REW) button.
The tape stops automaticallywhen it reachesthe zero position.
5. The tapecounter withthe [](Zero Memory indicator) disappearsfrom the display and
the tape counter is changedto the time code.
[ Notes ]
• Inthefollowingsituations,ZeroMemorymodemaybe canceledautomatically:
Atthe endof thesectionmarkedwith the ZeroMemoryfunction.
Whenthetapeis ejected.
Whenyouremovethe Batterypackor powersupply.
• TheZero Memorymaynotfunctioncorrectlywherethereis a breakbetweenrecordingsonthe tape.