Precious moments you’ll cherish forever.
Produce stunning photos and movies that always impress.
Give your photos a professional look with Auto Object Framing. This
savvy function analyzes portraits, close-ups or images of moving
subjects then crops them after you take the shot to produce photos
with maximum appeal. Featuring advancements like exceptional
two-person portrait capabilities along with Face Detection and
Tracking Focus, Auto Object Framing not only turns ordinary photos
into stunning compositions but does so eortlessly, automatically
recognizing the scene then cropping accordingly. And thanks to
Sony’s By Pixel Super Resolution Technology and high-resolution
Exmor sensor, images can be radically cropped without marked loss
of image quality.
Cropping results vary depending on shooting situations.
The original image is saved along with the cropped version.
Auto Portrait Framing
Beautifully composed photos with Auto Object Framing
Auto Macro FramingAuto Tracking Framing