Sony DSCH70R Camcorder User Manual

(Horizontal: 4912 × 1080)
(Vertical: 3424 × 1920)
Shoots images using standard size.
(Horizontal: 7152 × 1080)
(Vertical: 4912 × 1920)
Shoots images using wide size.
Image size when shooting movies
The larger the size of the movie image, the higher the image quality. The higher the amount of
data used per second (average bit-rate), the smoother the playback image.
Movies shot with this camera are recorded in MPEG-4 format, at approximately 30 frames/sec, in
progressive mode, with AAC audio, mp4 format.
Movie image
Average bit-
Usage guidelines
9 Mbps
Shoots highest quality movies for display on High
Definition TV.
6 Mbps
Shoots standard quality movies for display on High
Definition TV.
3 Mbps Shoots an image size suitable for WEB upload.
A telephoto image results if [VGA] image size is selected when shooting movies.
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