GVRP and Bridge Extension Commands
GVRP and Bridge Extension Commands
GARP VLAN Registration Protocol defines a way for switches to exchange VLAN
information in order to automatically register VLAN members on interfaces across
the network. This section describes how to enable GVRP for individual interfaces
and globally for the switch, as well as how to display default configuration settings
for the Bridge Extension MIB.
bridge-ext gvrp
This command enables GVRP globally for the switch. Use the no form to disable it.
[no] bridge-ext gvrp
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Usage
GVRP defines a way for switches to exchange VLAN information in order to
register VLAN members on ports across the network. This function should be
enabled to permit automatic VLAN registration, and to support VLANs which
extend beyond the local switch.
Table 4-58. GVRP and Bridge Extension Commands
Command Function Mode Page
bridge-ext gvrp Enables GVRP globally for the switch GC 4-187
show bridge-ext Shows the global bridge extension configuration PE 4-188
switchport gvrp Enables GVRP for an interface IC 4-188
switchport forbidden vlan Configures forbidden VLANs for an interface IC 4-180
show gvrp configuration Displays GVRP configuration for the selected interface NE, PE 4-189
garp timer Sets the GARP timer for the selected function IC 4-189
show garp timer Shows the GARP timer for the selected function NE, PE 4-190
Console(config)#bridge-ext gvrp