Troubleshooting 4-3
Introduction 0
This chapter contains information about troubleshooting common problems associated with
the notebook.
General Information 0
The following procedures are a guide for troubleshooting computer problems. The step by
step procedures are designed to be performed as described.
The diagnostic tests are intended for Acer products only. Non-Acer products, prototype
cards, or modified options can give false errors and invalid system responses.
1. Obtain as much detailed information as possible about the problem.
2. If possible, verify the symptoms by re-creating the failure through diagnostic tests or
repeating the operation that led to the problem.
3. Use Table 4-1 with the verified symptom to determine the solution.
4. If the Issue is still not resolved, Refer to Online Support Information.
Table 4-1. Troubleshooting
Symptoms (Verified)
Power On Issues
No Display Issues
LCD Failure
Keyboard Failure
Touchpad Failure
Internal Speaker Failure
Microphone Failure
ODD Failure
USB Failure
Wireless Function Failure
2 in 1 Card Fucntion Failure
Thermal Unit Failure
Other Functions Failure
Intermittent Problems
Undetermined Problems