Where To Get Help
Texas Instruments and your Texas Instruments authorized
reseller want you to succeed with your TI product. If you are in
the United States or Canada and have questions about or
operating difficulties with your TI product, follow these steps to
get support. If you are outside the United States or Canada,
contact one of the numbers listed in the back of this appendix.
1. Call your dealer.
Your dealer should be the first person you call when you have
questions or difficulties. Your dealer is familiar with your system
requirements and should be able to provide you with the needed
information or service.
2. Call the appropriate TI number.
Customer Satisfaction Line 1-800-TI-TEXAS
Option 3,1
FAX: 817-774-6660
TDD: 817-774-6582
Call the TI Customer Satisfaction Line (CSL) with service,
warranty, service contracts, or product support questions. Hours
of operation are 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.
Have the following information available when calling or faxing:
Name, address, daytime phone number
Product model
Serial number
Brief description of the symptoms being observed
(include the software application you are using)