2-30 User’s Guide
Memory/Cache Options
Internal Cache(CPU Cache) ........ [Enabled ]
External Cache ................... [Enabled ]
Cache Scheme ................... Write Back
Memory at 15MB-16MB Reserved for [System]
Memory Parity Mode ............... [Disabled]
Internal Cache (CPU Cache)
This parameter enables or disables the first-level or internal memory,
that is, the memory integrated into the CPU. The default setting is
External Cache
This parameter enables or disables the external cache memory. The
external cache is incorporated in the CPU module.
This parameter shows the cache scheme status only as Write-back
mode. Write-back updates the cache but not the memory when
there is a write instruction. It updates the memory only when there is
an inconsistency between the cache and the memory.
Memory at 15MB-16MB Reserved for
To prevent memory address conflicts between the system and
expansion boards, reserve this memory range for the use of either the
system or an expansion board.