
Running PlatinumSecure
PlatinumSec ure enhanc e s the se c ure logon p roc e d ure fo r Wind o ws Me
or 2000 at the operating system level. It provides user authentication
with a n enc ryption/ dec ryption func tion using the Sma rtC a rd. If your
SmartC ard is unavailable, the Emergenc y Card can serve as a temporary
replac ement for the Sma rtC a rd. After insta lla tion, the
PlatinumSec ure ic on appears on the Windows desktop. Double-c lic k
on it or c lic k the right mouse button, the n selec t Open from the p op -
up menu (or launc h it from the PlatinumSec ret program group). From
the menu that appears, you c an direc tly ac c ess three operations:
PlatinumSecure Options, SmartCard Manager, and Change
TM360.book Page 37 Friday, September 21, 2001 5:39 PM