22 Aspire Z3750 / Z3751 / Z5750 / Z5751 AIO Computer Service Guide
BIOS Security Features
Note the following before you define a system password:
• The maximum length of password contains 8 alphanumeric characters. The following keys are valid:
– A-Z, a-z (case-insensitive)
– 0-9
– ` - + [ ] \ ; ' , . /,
– Special keypad characters: 0-9 / * - +
• When you are prompted to enter a password, you have three tries before the system halts. Do not forget
your password. If you forget your password, you may have to return your computer to your dealer to reset
Field Description Value
Supervisor Password Displays the supervisor password status. When set to Installed, this
password will allow the user to access and change all settings in the
Setup Utility.
Not Installed
User Password Displays the user password status. Only the following menus will be
accessible when this password is set as Installed:
• System Date and System Time
• Exit Without Saving
Change Supervisor
Press Enter to change the supervisor password.
Change User
Press Enter to change the user password.