4 Welcome Product Overview
ADCP-62-023 Issue 1, September 1998
© 1998, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
The TR-TSY-000008 Bellcore
standard (commonly referred to as TR-08) describes the generic
requirements for interfacing between local digital switches and remote digital terminals via the
SLC 96
digital loop carrier system.
TR-08 has three operational modes (ICX-250 supports mode I):
• Modes I & III are non-concentrated and provide unique mapping between channel
numbers and DS1 time slots.
• Mode II is concentrated and there are no pre-determined relationships between the
channels and timeslots. This allocation of channels to time slots is made possible by the
exchange of messages between the Local Digital Switch (LDS) and remote terminal (RT).
Although commonly referred to as the TR-08 standard, the RT channel numbering scheme supported
by the ICX-250 unit is described in section 9.9 of the Bellcore publication TR-TSY-000057.
The ICX-250 provides SLC-96 Frame Format and Data Link.
When a T1 port is configured for TR-08 format, the voice channels assigned to this port are identified
by “channel number” (according to the TR-TSY-000008 document), which may be different from
the T1 time slot number. The ICX-250 supports only Group A. The relation between a channel number
and corresponding slot number for TR-08 is shown in the following table.
Channel Numbers123456789101112131415161718192021222324
Time Slots 135791113151719212324681012141618202224