2 Connections
Unpacking and Inspection
Your Smashup was packed carefully at the factory. The shipping
carton was designed to protect the unit during shipping. Please
retain this container in the highly unlikely event that you need to
return the Smashup for servicing.
The shipping carton should contain the following items:
• Smashup with the same serial number as shown on the
shipping carton
• Power Adapter
• This instruction manual
To register your purchase, go to the Alesis website at
Installing in a Rack
The Smashup is designed for tabletop use, but can also be installed
in a standard 19" audio equipment rack. For rack mounting,
contact your Alesis dealer for the ModFX Rack. This rack shelf
holds three ModFX units in a 3-space high 19” rack.
The Smashup comes with an AC power adapter that transforms
the voltage from a standard outlet into 9 volts AC (830 mA).
Plug the small end of the power adapter cord into the Smashup’s
POWER INPUT socket and then plug the adapter itself into a
good quality, noise-free AC power source of the proper rating.
The supplied AC line adapter is designed only for the destination
to which the unit is shipped. To use the Smashup in another
country, contact your Alesis dealer for an Alesis P3 adapter
suitable for the electrical system in the country you are traveling
ak e su r e yo u r ea d the
initial Im po r ta nt S a fe ty
n s t r u c t i o n s c h a p t e r a t t h e
ro nt o f this m an ua l.
void “popping”:
on ’t p lug th e po we r a da p te r
into th e S ma s hu p un til a ll
o th er a u dio c ab le s h av e b ee n
h oo ke d u p. Mak e su r e yo u r
a mp lifie r or po w e r e d
s pe ak er s a re switch e d off
whe n plu gg in g in th e
S ma sh up to a v oid da m ag e.