
Nearby Points of Interest
If you are running low on diesel fuel or need to rest at a
truck stop, CoPilot Live has over 6 million pre-loaded
Points-of-Interest (POI) to search.
Select Menu > Nearby POI.
From the list, select a category. For example,
Gas Station.
After a few moments a list of nearby gas stations will
appear, in order of distance from your current location.
Make a selection and click OK. A preview map
of the route to your selected POI will appear.
Click Drive to begin navigating the route.
Using CoPilot Live
Tip: POI In the City
You can search for a POI within a city, near
your current location or along your route
by pressing Menu > Destination >
Points of Interest.
You can search for a particular POI within
a category by name, see
page 13.
User Guide 02 Using CoPilot Live
Adjusting the POI Settings
You can choose when to have POIs shown on-screen
and the distance at which you are notifi ed by adjusting
the POI settings.
Click Menu > Settings > POIs.
Enable the POIs by checking the box. Disable
by unchecking.
Choose to Show POIs Always, Never or When
Stopped from the picklist.
In the Report POIs this far ahead fi eld, select a distance between
0.2 and 25 miles.
Select whether to show POIs that are on your route or nearby it. Select
On Route or Near Route.
Under Select POIs to be reported, select specifi c POI categories to
display by checking the boxes.
Click OK to apply the settings and return to the Settings menu.