
- 7 -
6. The installation to your Pocket PC will
take a few minutes. Check your Pocket
PC screen to determine when the
installation is complete.
For NavMan GPS Jacket Users
If you are using this software with the NavMan GPS Jacket (the jacket will have
the word NAVMAN molded into the back of it and has a conical antenna), you
must also install drivers for the jacket separately.
For the NavMan drivers and installation instructions visit our Support Center on
http://www.alk.com or follow this direct link to the FAQs:
The NavMan FAQ is under the GPS Receiver and Tracking section.
9. When the installation is complete, a CoPilot icon
will appear on your desktop or laptop. You are
now ready to start using CoPilot! For software
activation, see p. 11.
8. As the desktop installation
proceeds, you will be given the
choice to install the CoPilot map
data to your hard drive. This is
the recommended option and
requires 700 MB of available space.
If you choose None, you will need
to insert the CoPilot Data Disc each
time you download data to your
Pocket PC or use CoPilot for trip
planning on your desktop.
- 8 -
7. When CoPilot has been installed
to your Pocket PC, you will be
prompted to begin the desktop/
laptop installation. Click Next and
follow the on-screen instructions.
5. Next, you will be prompted to choose
an installation location on the Pocket
to a storage card, click No, then
choose Storage card from the drop-
down pick list. (To install to your
Pocket PC’s main memory, click Ye s .)
4. The Installation Wizard will then
start installing to your Pocket PC,
beginning with the text-to-speech
software that delivers CoPilot’s
spoken driving instructions.
be prompted to choose a voice
option. Text-to-speech provides
more detailed voice instructions,
including road names. Pre-
recorded sound files are louder
and crisper, but provide less
detailed driving instructions. The
pre-recorded option saves space
on your Pocket PC.
Click Next to continue.