26 Avaya one-X Quick Edition Release 3.1.0 Telephone User Guide May 2007
The voicemail on a Quick Edition IP telephone can store a maximum of 30 voicemail messages
or 20 minutes of messages. When your voicemail in box is full, callers hear a message
indicating that voicemail storage is full and no more messages can be saved. To recover
storage space, delete some of the existing recordings.
When an individual’s telephone is not connected to the network, two other telephones on the
network provide backup services and record any new voicemail for that telephone. When the
telephone is reconnected, it retrieves any voicemail that is associated with its extension. The
two backup telephones can each store up to five minutes of voicemail for the primary user.
For example, if you have 17 minutes of voicemail stored on your telephone and you disconnect
the telephone, an additional 10 minutes of voicemail may be collected by two other telephones.
When you reconnect your telephone, some of the new voicemail messages may stay on the
backup telephones until you delete some of the 17 minutes of voicemail from your own
telephone. You can listen to voicemail saved on backup telephones as if the messages were
stored on your own telephone—the system handles play back of these messages automatically.
Tip: You can arrange to have a voicemail message sent to you as an e-mail
attachment. For more information, see “Supporting Email Notification of
Voicemail” in the Avaya one-X Quick Edition System Administration Guide.
Note: See also Recording and Managing Personalized Voicemail Greetings on page 28
and Zero-Redirect
on page 21).
Retrieving Voicemail Messages
When someone leaves you a message, the Message Waiting indicator flashes red and a count
of the number of voicemail messages waiting to be played appears intermittently in the display.
Note: Your voicemail password is the same as your password for accessing user
options (initially, this password is 123456). When you change the password for
accessing user options, the voicemail password is updated at the same time.
Based on your organizations’s security policy, the administrator can enable or
disable the password expiration function. You will be reminded prior to the expiry
date if this function is enabled.
To change the default password or set a new one, see Setting Password
Options on page 8.
4 Add information to the recorded message.
* Exit without leaving a message.
Key Function