9032295 E2 Application Views
SNMP Extensions Application
RMON Extensions Host View
This view contains MAC to Port and Port to MAC tables. These tables provide
cross references between the MAC address of a port and the complete Object
ID string that refers to that port.
RMON Extensions Event Alarm View
This view contains the Alarm Table and the Event Table. The Alarm Table
cross references the index number for an alarm with its peak value. The Event
Table cross references the index number for an event with its action. Double-
click the Event Action field to edit it.
SNMP Extensions Application
This application supports the SNMP-Repeater Configuration View. The model
type name for this application is 3Com1516ExtApp.
SNMP-Repeater Configuration View
This view contains the following buttons and fields:
Allows you to reset the repeater. Resetting does not affect the management
counters or the Administrative State, but it does cause a disruptive Self-Test.
As a result of this action a Reset trap may be sent. This action may result in
the loss of packets. Possible values are noReset and reset.
NonDisrupt Test
Selecting selfTest performs an agent-specific, non-disruptive self-test. After
performing this test the agent will update the repeater health information. If
a change in the repeater health has occurred, the agent will send a trap.
Possible values are noSelfTest and selfTest.
Operational Status
Displays the operational state of the repeater. In the case of multiple kinds of
failures (for example, a repeater failure and a port failure), this value will
reflect the highest priority failure.