Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
Safety Guidelines
This manual contains information
that is very important to know and
understand. This information is
provided for SAFETY and to PREVENT
recognize this information, observe the
following symbols.
Danger indicates
an imminently
hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, WILL result in death or serious
Warning indicates
a potentially
hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, COULD result in death or
serious injury.
Caution indicates a
hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, MAY result in minor or
moderate injury.
Notice indicates
information, that if not followed, may
cause damage to equipment.
NOTE: Information that requires special
Important Safety Instructions
This product or
its power cord
contains chemicals known to the State
of California to cause cancer and birth
defects or other reproductive harm.
Wash hands after handling.
When using this product, basic
precautions should always be followed,
including the following:
1. Read all instructions before using
the product.
2. To reduce the risk of injury, close
supervision is necessary when the
product is used near children.
3. Follow all safety codes as well as the
Occupational Safety and Health Act
4. Ensure safety devices are operating
properly before each use. DO NOT
remove or modify any part of the
gun or unit.
5. Know how to stop this product
and bleed pressure quickly. Be
thoroughly familiar with the
6. Stay alert – watch what you are
7. Do not operate the product when
fatigued or under the influence of
alcohol or drugs.
8. Keep operation area clear of all
9. Do not overreach or stand on
unstable support. Keep good
footing and balance at all times.
10. Follow the maintenance instructions
specified in the manual.
Risk of injection or
severe injury.
Keep clear of nozzle. Do not discharge
streams at persons. This product is to be
used only by trained operators. Always
remove lance from gun before cleaning
debris from tip.
• Keepclearofnozzle.NEVERdirect
high pressure spray at a person,
animal, or yourself.
• Alwayswearsafetyglassesor
goggles and protective equipment
(hearing protection, gloves,
rubber boots, protective clothing)
when operating or performing
• Neverputhandorfingersoverthe
spray tip while operating the unit.
• Nevertrytostopordeflectleaks
with any body part.
• Alwaysengagethetriggersafety
latch in the safe position when
spraying is stopped even if only for a
few moments.
• Alwaysfollowdetergent
manufacturer’s label
recommendations for proper use
of detergents. Always protect eyes,
skin, and respiratory system from
detergent use.
Do not use
pressure that
exceeds the operating pressure of
any of the parts (hoses, fittings, etc.)
in the pressurized system. Ensure all
equipment and accessories are rated
to withstand the maximum working
pressure of the unit.
Explosion hazard.
• NEVERsprayflammableliquids
or use pressure washer in areas
containing combustible dust, liquids,
or vapors.
• Neveroperatethismachineina
closed building or in or near an
• Donotremovefueltankcapor
fill fuel tank while engine is hot or
running (allow engine to cool two
minutes before refueling). Always
fill the tank slowly.
• Neverdisconnectthehighpressure
discharge hose from the machine
while the system is pressurized. To
depressurize machine, turn power
and water supply off, then press the
gun trigger 2-3 times.
• Neverpermanentlyengagethe
trigger mechanism on the gun.
• Neveroperatethemachinewithout
all components properly connected
to the machine (handle, gun/wand
assembly, nozzle, etc.).
Equipment damage.
• ALWAYSturnwatersupply“ON”
before turning pressure washer
“ON.” Running pump dry causes
serious damage.
• Donotoperatethepressurewasher
with the inlet water screen removed.
Keep screen clear of debris and
• NEVERoperatepressurewasher
with broken or missing parts. Check
equipment regularly and repair or
replace worn or damaged parts
• Useonlythenozzlesuppliedwith
this machine.
• Neverleavethewandunattended
while the machine is running.
• Nevertamperwiththeengine
governor or attempt to alter factory
settings. Altering factory settings
could damage the unit and will void
the warranty.
• Alwaysholdgunandwandfirmly
when starting and operating the
• NEVERallowtheunittorunwith
the trigger released (off) for more
than one minute. Resulting heat
buildup will damage the pump.
• NEVERstorethepressurewasher
outdoors or where it could freeze.
Freezing temperatures can seriously
damage the pump.
• Releasethetriggerwhenchanging
from high to low pressure modes.
Failure to do so could result in
damage to the nozzle.
Safety and Warning Information