Customer Information 13-9
Courtesy Transportation
To enhance your ownership
experience, we and our participating
dealers are proud to offer Courtesy
Transportation, a customer support
program for vehicles with the New
Vehicle Limited Warranty (Base
Warranty Coverage period in
Canada) and extended powertrain,
and hybrid specific warranty in both
the U.S. and Canada.
Several courtesy transportation
options are available to assist in
reducing your inconvenience when
warranty repairs are required.
Courtesy Transportation is not a
part of the New Vehicle Limited
Warranty. A separate booklet
entitled “Warranty and Owner
Assistance Information” furnished
with each new vehicle provides
detailed warranty coverage
Transportation Options
Warranty service can generally be
completed while you wait. However,
if you are unable to wait, GM helps
to minimize your inconvenience by
providing several transportation
options. Depending on the
circumstances, your dealer can offer
you one of the following:
Shuttle Service
Shuttle service is the preferred
means of offering Courtesy
Transportation. Dealers may provide
you with shuttle service to get you
to your destination with minimal
interruption of your daily schedule.
This includes one‐way or round trip
shuttle service within reasonable
time and distance parameters of the
dealer's area.
Public Transportation or Fuel
If your vehicle requires overnight
warranty repairs, and public
transportation is used instead of the
dealer's shuttle service, the expense
must be supported by original
receipts and can only be up to the
maximum amount allowed by GM
for shuttle service. In addition, for
U.S. customers, should you arrange
transportation through a friend or
relative, limited reimbursement for
reasonable fuel expenses may be
available. Claim amounts should
reflect actual costs and be
supported by original receipts. See
your dealer for information regarding
the allowance amounts for
reimbursement of fuel or other
transportation costs.