
(International Cub Cadet 71, 102 and 122 Tractors)
--After Every 10 Hours of Operation
1 -Oi I fi lief ca p and bayanet-type
oil level gauge.
Check the oil (with the engine stopped) and add sufficient
new oil to bring it to the "FULL" mark on the gauge. Do
not overfill. Do not operate the engine if the oil level is
below the "LOW" mark on the gauge.
Use 1H-251 HEP grease or equivalent #2 multi-purpose
lithium grease and apply sufficient grease to flush out oldgrease
and dirt.
2- Steering knuckles (2).
3- Front oxle pivot pin.
--After Every 30 Hours of Operation
While the oil is warm, remove the drain plug (4) and drain
all of the oil from the crankcase. Replace the drain plug.Remove
the crankcase oil filler cap (1). Refill the crank-
case with new oil up to the "FULL" mark on the oil levelgauge.
Refer to the "Lubrication Table" for the proper
quantity and viscosity to use.
-Engine crankcase.
--After Every 100 Hours of Operation
Use IH-2.5l HEP grease or equivalent #2. multi-purpose
lithium grease and apply two or three strokes of the lubri-
cator to the lubrication fittings.
5- Power take-off shaft bearing
Check the oil level periodically. Keep the lubricant up tothe
level plug (6) on the rear of the transmission case.
Change the oil in the transmission case at least once a
year. Remove the drain plug (7) and remove the oil level
and filler plug (6) and allow all of the oil to drain out. Re-
place the drain plug. Refill with approved lubricant up to
the level plug opening and replace the plug.
6 -Oil level and filler plug.
7 -Oil drain plug.
Creeper drive housing
8. Level plug.
9. Breather and filler plug.
10. Drain plug.
11 -Steering gear housing.
Check the oil level periodically. Keep the lubricant up to
the level plug (8) on the left side of the creeper drive
housing. Drain and refill the housing each time the oil is
changed in the transmission case. To change the oil, re-
move the drain plug (I 0) at the bottom of the housing and
allow all the oil to drain. Then replace the drain plug.
Remove the breather and oil filler plug (9) at the right
of the creeper shift handle on top of the frame assembly,
and remove the oil level plug (8). Fill to the level plug
opening with approved lubricant and replace the plugs.
Once a year, apply two strokes of the lubricator, using
IH-251 HEP grease or equivalent #2 multi-purpose lithium
Note/: To locate the lubrication fitting, turn the front
wheels to the maximum right turn position: Then reach up
under the right side of the tractor frame to locate the
Lubricate the clutch pedal shaft and linkage with eight or
ten drops of engine oil.