318 System Management
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At any time during an active Telnet session, the Telnet commands can be listed by pressing the
Ctrl-shift-6 key, followed by a question mark at the system prompt: Ctrl-shift-6?
A sample of this list follows.
Several concurrent Telnet sessions can be opened and switched between them. To open a
subsequent session, the current connection needs to be suspended, by pressing the escape
sequence ‘Ctrl-Shift-6’ and ‘x’ to return to the system command prompt. Then open a new
connection with the telnet command.
Keywords Table
Escape Sequence Purpose
Ctrl-shift-6 b Break
Ctrl-shift-6 c Interrupt Process (IP)
Ctrl-shift-6 h Erase Character (EC)
Ctrl-shift-6 o Abort Output (AO)
Ctrl-shift-6 t Are You There? (AYT)
Ctrl-shift-6 u Erase Line (EL)
Ctrl-shift-6 x Suspends the Session
Console> ‘Ctrl-shift-6’ ?
[Special telnet escape help]
Esc B sends telnet BREAK
Esc C sends telnet IP
Esc H sends telnet EC
Esc O sends telnet AO
Esc T sends telnet AYT
Esc U sends telnet EL
Esc x suspends the session (return to system command prompt)
Options Description
/echo Enables local echo
/quiet Prevents onscreen display of all messages from the
/source-interface Specifies the source interface.