52 Introduction
This guide is for network administrators in charge of managing one or more
Dell Networking series switches. To obtain the greatest benefit from this
guide, you should have a basic understanding of Ethernet networks and local
area network (LAN) concepts.
Document Conventions
Table 1-1 describes the typographical conventions this document uses.
Table 1-1. Document Conventions
Convention Description
Bold Page names, field names, menu options, button names, and
CLI commands and keywords.
courier font
Command-line text (CLI output) and file names
[ ] In a command line, square brackets indicate an optional
{ } In a command line, inclusive brackets indicate a selection of
compulsory parameters separated by the | character. One
option must be selected. For example:
spanning-tree mode
{stp|rstp|mstp} means that for the spanning-tree mode
command you must enter either stp, rstp, or mstp
In a command line, indicates a variable.
<Enter> Any individual key on the keyboard.
CTRL + Z A keyboard combination that involves pressing the Z key
while holding the CTRL key.