1104 | VLAN
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Assign Interfaces to VLANs
A port may either be an untagged member of a single VLAN, or a tagged member of perhaps multiple
• Untagged Ports — ports that do not append an 802.1Q VLAN tag to frames on egress, and do not
accept tagged frames on ingress (tagged frames are dropped). Untagged ports must be connected to
VLAN-unaware devices.
• Tagged Ports — ports that append an 802.1Q tag to frames on egress, and accept only tagged frames
on ingress (untagged frames are dropped). Tagged ports must be connected to VLAN-aware devices.
When you place configure an enabled port as a switchport, the port is placed in the default VLAN. To
remove a switchport from the default VLAN, remove the
switchport configuration. To move the port to
another VLAN, add it to the desired VLAN as either a tagged or untagged member.
Step Task Command Syntax Command Mode
1 Assign a switchport to a VLAN. [tagged | untagged] interface INTERFACE VLAN
FTOS(conf)#int vlan 4
FTOS(conf-if-vlan)#tagged po 1
FTOS(conf-if-vlan)#show conf
interface Vlan 4
no ip address
tagged Port-channel 1
2 Display all switchports and the
VLANs of which they are members.
show vlan
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