1190 Sr Owner’s Manual
Workout Programs, continued
eart rate signal returns.
• Once the program is started, the message window will display the workout data
of “Time, Intensity Level, Watts, and Calories”.
• If no pulse is detected, the Pulse display will show “- - -” until there is a pulse,
and the HR bar graph will not be illuminated.
• If a pulse is detected, the Pulse display will display the BPM, and the HR bar
graph will illuminate to indicate your %Max. HR.
Adjusting T
arget Heart Rate
• Press “UP/DOWN” key to adjust the Target Heart Rate during anytime of the
• Each time the “UP/DOWN” key is pressed it will adjust the Target Heart Rate
of the remaining portion of the program
Pause, Reset, Switch, Stop or Save the program
See Basic Operation section for details.
Ending the Program
• When the selected program time is up or the “STOP” key is pressed, there will
be a beep to signify the end of the program and Cool Down will become active
• The message window will scroll the messages “THE PROGRAM ENDED” then
• The “Start” key can be pressed to re-start the program.
• The “Stop” key can be pressed to skip the cool down mode and activate the
Workout Summary immediately.
Getting Started
The Heart Rate Interval program is designed to alternate periods of hard work (the
stress phase) with periods of light work (the recovery phase). The 1190 will adjust the
intensity level up to meet your upper target heart rate and adjust it down to meet you
lower target heart rate, continuing to alternate back and forth until the program time
is up. The profile on the Dot Matrix display will show % Max HR for this program rather
than intensity level. The profile is replaced with LEDs indicating your actual achieved
HR as the program executes. The LEDs will blink to show your current position in the
HR profile.
Beginning the Program
Start pedaling the unit. The message window will scroll a message “SELECT A PRO-
GRAM”. Press the HR Interval Programs key until the HR Interval program LED indicator
lights up.
Accepting Default values or Entering the program setting mode
When the message display flashes, “HR INTERVAL”, it indicates you are about to select
the HR Interval program. The message display will scroll “PRESS ENTER TO ADJUST
• Press “START” key to accept current default values and begin HR Interval
program workout.
• Or press “ENTER” key to enter program setup mode. The message display will
bring you through the program setup step by step as below:
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