700 Tm Owner’s Manual
Workout Programs (continued)
Accepting Default values or Entering the program setting mode
When the message display flashes, “HR INTERVALS”, “PRESS ENTER”, it indicates you
are about to select the HR Intervals program. Press “START” or “ENTER” key to go to
the next step.
• Press “START” key to accept current default values and begin HR Intervals
program workout.
o Default Time = 30 minutes
o Default Target HR = 80% of your max HR. Rest HR = 65% of max HR
o Default profile = % max HR profile
• Or press “ENTER” to enter program setup mode The dot matrix & data displays
will take you through the program setup mode step by step as below:
o Enter Age
o Enter Weight
o Enter Time
o Enter Work HR
1. If “ENTER” key is pressed after time adjustment, the Work HR setting
columns of dot matrix window will blink.
2. The message window will flash a message of “SELECT WORK HR”, then
“WORK HR = XXX” will be blinking. The Heart rate display will display
the default Work HR of 80% of max HR.
3. You may press Speed or Incline “UP/DOWN” key or numeric quick
key to adjust the Work HR from “65% to “90% of Max HR”.
4. After Work HR adjustment, the message display will switch to display
“PRESS ENTER” to indicate next step.
5. Press “Enter” to accept and enter Rest HR adjustment.
o Enter Rest HR
1. If “ENTER” key is pressed after Work HR adjustment, the Rest HR setting
columns of dot matrix window will blink.
2. The message window will flash a message of “SELECT REST HR”, then
“REST HR = XXX” will be blinking. The Heart rate display will display the
default Work HR of 65% of max HR.
3. You may press Speed or Incline “UP/DOWN” key or numeric quick
key to adjust the Rest HR from 90bpm up to the Work HR setting.
4. After Rest HR adjustment, the message, the message display will switch
to display “SET UP COMPLETED”, “PRESS START” to indicate next step.
5. After Rest HR adjustment, pr
ess “ENTER” or “START” to accept and
begin this program.
(Note: you may press START key anytime to skip the setup and begin
the workout immediately.)
During the Program
As soon as the “ENTER” or “START” key is pressed, the Warm Up will be active. See
Warm Up mode section for details.
Data Display
• When Warm Up mode is completed, this program will begin; the data display
window will display the default workout data of “time, distance, calories &
heart rate”. Press “Select” button to switch the data displays.
• Time display will show the selected program time and count down.
• Incline display will start with incline of 0%.
• Heart Rate display:
o If there is no pulse input, the Heart rate data display will show “ - - -“ and
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