Owner's Manual
lower vocals being cut out. To help minimize this problem, try setting the gate
to the highest setting that still passes your vocal at low levels, and then enable
the adaptive gate. When you stop singing, the gate threshold will increase, but
it will return to your nominal setting as soon as you resume singing.
NOTE: The adaptive gate sensing algorithm relies on comparing the vocal
microphone signal with the internal microphone inside the Live Harmony
case. When a connection is plugged into the Aux In jack, the internal
microphone is disconnected. As a result, the adaptive gate feature is disabled
when using the Aux In jack.
This parameter affects any active Pitch effects in the FX menu as well as the Pitch
Correction located in the Gold Channel. It has two settings:
• Preset
With this option selected, the Pitch FX key will not adapt and will be
set according to the "KEY" parameter setting in the FX menu. The Pitch
Correction in the Gold Channel menu will use the chromatic scale to
determine notes to favor when correcting pitch.
• Adapt
With this option selected, the audio analyzed by Live Adapt is used to favor
notes that are present in the background music. The Pitch FX KEY setting will
still provide the baseline information for the effect, but will be modied to
better match the notes being detected by Live Adapt. If you don’t know the
key of the song, you can choose “Chromatic” for the Pitch FX KEY, and let the
Live Adapt feature choose the most likely notes to output. This setting will also
help Pitch Correction in the Gold Channel effects to favor notes detected in
the analyzed background music.
This parameter affects any active Harmony effects. It has two settings:
• Preset
With this option selected, the Harmony key will not adapt and will be set
according to the "KEY" parameter setting accessed when turning the KEY/
SCALE knob from the Preset screen.
• Adapt
With this option selected, the audio analyzed by Live Adapt is used to create
harmonies that match the overall key of the song. This option differs from
the Preset option in that the harmonies can change during the course of a
song as the adaptation senses changes in the song structure. It is best suited
for situations where the internal mic or Aux In signal consists of a mix of
instruments, for example when the Live Harmony is used on stage with a band,
or when connecting your guitar to the Guitar In jack.
This parameter affects any active delay or modulation Vocal effects. It has three