Using the Web Configurator
D-Link DPR-1020 - User Manual 73
Enable E-mail Notification
You can set the print server to send an alert message to your email address when
the printer status changes. To enable this function select Yes next to Enable e-mail
notification. In the field below input the Destination e-mail Address.
E-mail Account Details
You can assign an E-mail address to the print server so that the mail of the account
will be printed out directly through the printer (ASCII text only). To enable this feature,
first enter the E-mail address in the Print Server E-mail Address field.
Then enter the Incoming POP3 server address in the Incoming E-mail (POP3)
Server Address field. Next enter the SMTP server address in the Outgoing E-mail
(SMTP) Server Address field.
If your mail server needs to verify the user, enter the e-mail account user name and
password in the Account (POP3) Name and E-mail Account (POP3) Password
E-mail Printing
This section is for you to configure E-Mail printing::
E-mail Printing (ASCII Text Only): Allows you to enable or disable E-mail
Check E-mail Interval: Allows you to set up a time interval in minutes to
check/receive E-mail periodically.
After completing the configuration, click the Apply Settings button to save the new
configuration, or click Cancel to exit without saving.