Printer Port: This field not only displays the basic information and current status
of the connected printer, but also allows you to do further configuration in the use of
the four control buttons (Link, UnLink, Lock, UnLock).
[Link] – The function of this button is to simulate the physical connection between a
USB cable of the printer and your computer, That is, you can easily set up a link
between a printer and your computer only by clicking this button without physically
attaching the printer’s USB cable to your computer.
[UnLink] – Contrary to the Link button, the UnLink button is used to off link
between the printer and your computer without physically disconnecting the two
[Lock] – Since the operation mode of the MFP can be set as Single User Mode (i.e.
only single specific computer can do printing) or Shared Mode (the default setting).
Clicking the Lock button, you may enable the Single User Mode.
[UnLock] – Clicking this button to enable the MFP as Shared Mode (i.e. End up the
Single User Mode of the MFP).
About: You may click this button to bring up a pop-up window as below to verify
the basic information about the PS-Link. Click OK button to close this window.
Close: To exit PS-Link, click this button.