
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4697, Rev EA
October 2011
Rosemount 848T
28 FAULT_STATE Condition set by loss of communication to an output block, fault promoted to an output block
or physical contact. When FAIL_SAFE condition is set, then output function blocks will
perform their FAIL_SAFE actions.
29 SET_FSTATE Allows the FAIL_SAFE condition to be manually initiated by selecting Set.
30 CLR_FSTATE Writing a Clear to this parameter will clear the device FAIL_SAFE if the field condition has
31 MAX_NOTIFY Maximum number of unconfirmed notify messages possible.
32 LIM_NOTIFY Maximum number of unconfirmed alert notify messages allowed.
33 CONFIRM_TIME The time the resource will wait for confirmation of receipt of a report before trying again. Retry
will not happen when CONFIRM_TIME=0.
34 WRITE_LOCK If set, all writes to static and non-volatile parameters are prohibited, except to clear
WRITE_LOCK. Block inputs will continue to be updated.
35 UPDATE_EVT This alert is generated by any change to the static data.
36 BLOCK_ALM The BLOCK_ALM is used for all configuration, hardware, connection failure or system
problems in the block. The cause of the alert is entered in the subcode field. The first alert to
become active will set the Active status in the Status attribute. As soon as the Unreported
status is cleared by the alert reporting task, another block alert may be reported without
clearing the Active status, if the subcode has changed.
37 ALARM_SUM The current alert status, unacknowledged states, unreported states, and disabled states of
the alarms associated with the function block.
38 ACK_OPTION Selection of whether alarms associated with the block will be automatically acknowledged.
39 WRITE_PRI Priority of the alarm generated by clearing the write lock.
40 WRITE_ALM This alert is generated if the write lock parameter is cleared.
41 ITK_VER Major revision number of the interoperability test case used in certifying this device as
interoperable. The format and range are controlled by the Fieldbus F
42 DISTRIBUTOR Reserved for use as distributor ID. No FOUNDATION enumerations defined at this time.
43 DEV_STRING This is used to load new licensing into the device. The value can be written but will always
read back with a value of 0.
44 XD_OPTIONS Indicates which transducer block licensing options are enabled.
45 FB_OPTIONS Indicates which function block licensing options are enabled.
46 DIAG_OPTIONS Indicates which diagnostics licensing options are enabled.
47 MISC_OPTIONS Indicates which miscellaneous licensing options are enabled.
48 RB_SFTWR_REV_MAJOR Major revision of software that the resource block was created with.
49 RB_SFTWR_REV_MINOR Minor revision of software that the resource block was created with.
50 RB_SFTWR_REV_BUILD Build of software that the resource block was created with.
51 RB_SFTWR_REV_ALL The string will contains the following fields:
Major rev: 1-3 characters, decimal number 0-255
Minor rev: 1-3 characters, decimal number 0-255
Build rev: 1-5 characters, decimal number 0-255
Time of build: 8 characters, xx:xx:xx, military time
Day of week of build: 3 characters, Sun, Mon, …
Month of build: 3 characters, Jan, Feb.
Day of month of build: 1-2 characters, decimal number 1-31
Year of build: 4 characters, decimal
Builder: 7 characters, login name of builder
52 HARDWARE_REV Hardware revision of that hardware that has the resource block in it.
53 OUTPUT_BOARD_SN Output board serial number.
54 FINAL_ASSY_NUM The same final assembly number placed on the label.
55 DETAILED_STATUS Indicates the state of the transmitter. NOTE: Will be writable when PWA_SIMULATE is On
during simulation mode.
56 SUMMARY_STATUS An enumerated value of repair analysis.
57 MESSAGE_DATE Date associated with the MESSAGE_TEXT parameter
58 MESSAGE_TEXT Used to indicate changes made by the user to the device’s installation, configuration, or
59 SELF_TEST Used to self test the device. Tests are device specific.
Table 3-2. Resource Block Parameters
Number Parameter Description