
4-3CrossPoint Matrix Switchers Programmer’s Guide
The switcher does not expect a response from the host, but, for example, the host
program might request a new status.
Switcher Error Responses
When the switcher receives an SIS command and determines that it is valid, it
performs the command and sends a response to the host device. If the switcher is
unable to perform the command because the command is invalid or contains
invalid parameters, the switcher returns an error response to the host. The error
response codes are:
E01 — Invalid input channel number (too large)
E10 — Invalid command
E11 — Invalid preset number (too large)
E12 — Invalid output number (too large)
E13 — Invalid value (out of range)
E14 — Illegal command for this configuration
E17 — Timeout (only caused by direct write of global presets)
Using the Command/Response Table
The command/response table begins on the next page. Lower case letters are
acceptable in the command field only where indicated. Symbols are used
throughout the table to represent variables in the command/response fields.
Command and response examples are shown throughout the table.
ASCII to HEX Conversion Table