DXP DVI, DXP DVI Pro, and DXP HDMI Series • Matrix Software 93
• Name Presets — Opens the Names for Presets window, which contains a list of all
the room and global presets that you have defined.
1. Select a preset from the list and enter a name for it in the text box at the top of
the screen.
2. Click Take to confirm the name.
Figure 91. Names for Presets Window
NOTES: Preset names are limited to 12 upper- and lowercase alphanumeric
characters, {space}, and the _ : = and / characters.
The following characters are invalid or not recommended in preset names:
+ ~ , @ = ` [ ] { } < > ’ ‘ “ ” ; : | \ and ?.
• Show RS-232 strings — Displays the ASCII commands that are used by the current
configuration. You can refer to these for SIS programming (see the SIS Configuration
and Control section, beginning on page 49, for information on entering SIS
Figure 92. RS-232 Program Strings Window