Built-in multi-level security — You can control the access to devices attached to the unit.
Two levels of password protection provide appropriate security.
Contact closure input ports — Can be used to sense when a switch or relay has been
Supports Ethernet device drivers — Allows for control of up to six Ethernet-enabled A/V
NOTE: Ethernet driver support requires Global Configurator 3.0 and firmware version
1.15 or higher.
Easily connected — Provides RJ-45 auto-sense 10/100 Mbps Ethernet LAN connection
Easily configured and controlled —
Using a standard Web browser (Microsoft
Internet Explorer
version 6.0 or higher)
and Web-based interface
Using a standard Telnet client application
Requires no centralized processor to operate within a system
Choice of mounting options — The controller can be mounted near a screen or projector
lift or on a rack shelf
Remote management — The IPL T CR48 allows you to remotely activate and deactivate
projector lifts, screens, and lighting systems.
Multiple protocols supported — The IPL T CR48 supports Telnet, SMTP, ICMP, ARP, and
IPL T CR48 • Introduction 2