4-9MediaLink Switchers • Serial Communication
Switcher (MLS) Config
The Switcher (MLS) Config screen, shown below, allows you to make adjustments
without having to use the front panel controls.
In this part of the program you can:
• Set per-input audio adjustments (level, bass, treble).
• Set overall volume.
• Set the left-right audio balance.
• Set the mixer volume (MLS 506MA & MLS 506SA only).
• Choose between stereo and mono output for the variable preamp output.
• Tell the MLS 506SA whether a 4 ohm or an 8 ohm total load is connected to the
stereo amplified output.
• Set the video format (composite video/S-video, or component video) for inputs 1
through 3 on an MLS 506, MLS 506MA, or MLS 506SA.
• Set the RGB delay period (for Triple-Action Switching).
• Reset the switcher to factory default settings.
Saving and restoring configurations
The MLS can be configured by various means (front panel adjustments,
downloading settings, or combinations of those methods), and the configuration
settings can be saved to a file for later use.
1. In the MediaLink Control Program, select File, then select Save Configuration
as... .
2. Save the file as (filename).MLK. An unlimited number of configuration files
can be saved as long as each file has a unique file name ending in .MLK.
3. To retrieve the configuration from within the MediaLink Control Program,
select File, then select Restore Configuration from... . A set of all the switcher
and audio adjustment settings will be downloaded into the MLS.