Fluke 192/196/199
Users Manual
Pulse Width Trigger
Screen Update...........................On Trigger, Single Shot
Trigger Conditions.......... <T, >T,
≈T (±10 %), ≠ T(±10 %)
Polarity...................................Positive or negative pulse
Pulse Time Adjustment Range .......1/100 div. to 250 div.
with a maximum resolution of 50 ns.
Continuous Auto Set
Autoranging attenuators and time base, automatic
Connect-and-View™ triggering with automatic source
Normal..................................15 Hz to max. bandwidth
Low Frequency .......................1 Hz to max. bandwidth
Minimum Amplitude A and B
DC to 1 MHz.....................................................10 mV
1 MHz to max. bandwidth..................................20 mV
Automatic Capturing Scope Screens
Capacity .......................... 100 dual input scope Screens
For viewing screens, see Replay function.
Automatic Scope Measurements
The accuracy of all readings is within ± (% of reading +
number of counts) from 18
°C to 28 °C. Add 0.1x (specific
accuracy) for each
°C below 18 °C or above 28 °C. For
voltage measurements with 10:1 probe, add probe
accuracy unless the probe has been calibrated on the
test tool. At least 1.5 waveform period must be visible on
the screen.
Inputs ..................................................................A and B
DC Common Mode Rejection (CMRR) ................ >100 dB
AC Common Mode Rejection at 50, 60, or 400 Hz ......>60 dB
DC Voltage (VDC)
Maximum Voltage
with 10:1 probe ..................................................1000 V
direct (1:1) ...........................................................300 V
Maximum Resolution
with 10:1 probe .....................................................1 mV
direct (1:1) .........................................................100 µV
Full Scale Reading........................................ 1100 counts
Accuracy at 5 s to 5
µs/div ..................±(1.5 % +5 counts)
Normal Mode AC Rejection at 50 or 60 Hz ...........>60 dB