CALL Send(0, 8, "
RST", 1) ’
CALL Send(0, 8, "SYSTem:KEY 104", 1) ’
Enables the UTILITY softkey menu
CALL Send(0, 8, "SYSTem:KEY 2", 1) ’
CALL Send(0, 8, "SYSTem:KEY 5", 1) ’
Selects the PROBE CORR option
CALL Send(0, 8, "SYSTem:KEY 4", 1) ’
CALL Send(0, 8, "SYSTem:KEY 104", 1) ’
Disables the UTILITY softkey menu
In this example the probe correction factor for input channel 1 is set at 10:1
CALL Send (0, 8, "SYSTem:KEY 101", 1) ’
Autoset scans for the presence of a signal on channel 1, 2, and the external
trigger input. If there is a signal present on the external trigger input, the EXTernal
trigger channel is selected as trigger source, and the external trigger view facility
becomes active.
If the external trigger is the only signal available, external trigger view and channel
1 (CH1) are switched on.
3.17.2 How to simulate the operation of a softkey menu
The MEASure:MENU command allows you to enable or disable the display of the
softkey menus. The "SYSTem:KEY 1 to 6" command allows you to simulate the
pressing of one of the softkeys 1 to 6.
CALL Send(0, 8, "
RST", 1) ’
CALL Send(0, 8, "DISPlay:MENU UTIL", 1) ’
Enables the UTILITY softkey menu
CALL Send(0, 8, "SYSTem:KEY 2;KEY 5;KEY 4", 1)
Selects the PROBE + PROBE CORR + 10:1 options
CALL Send(0, 8, "DISPlay:MENU:STATe OFF", 1) ’
Disables the UTILITY softkey menu
In this example the probe correction factor for input channel 1 is set at 10:1 via softkey menu UTILITY