
Cycle Options
To add options, press the corresponding options buttons
to illuminate the selections desired. To delete options,
press the options buttons again and the indicator lights
will turn off. Some Options require a “Press & Hold” effort
to activate or deactivate the secondary function.
Not all options are available on every model. To protect
your fabrics, not all options are available with every cycle.
If an option is not appropriate for the cycle, the indicator
will not light. Occasionally, a setting and option in the same
cycle will con ict with each other, like Add Steam and
Energy Saver. When this happens, the option selected
rst will cause the con icting option to not be selectable.
Allergy (on select models)
If you have asthma or allergy sufferers in your home,
add this option to combine hot water temperature
(boosted with internal heater), fast speed tumbling and
multiple rinses to help ensure the destruction of dust
mites and removal of pet dander.
To change the Options after the cycle starts, press
Pause, adjust the setting and press Start to resume
the cycle.
The Allergy option will kill all dust mites and eliminate
at least 95% of pet dander. Since higher temperatures
are required, please check fabric care labels to prevent
Energy Saver
The Energy Saver option reduces the warm water
temperature a few degrees to save energy and also
extracts more water to reduce drying time. On some
models, you may also notice after the cycle begins
most lights and indicators will turn off. To turn those
lights temporarily back on press Energy Saver during
the cycle.
NSF Protolcol P351
Allergen Reduction Performance
of Residential and Commercial,
Family-Sized Clothes Washers
This option has been certi ed by NSF International,
an independent third party testing and certi cation
organization dedicated to public health, safety and
environmental protection.