Mouse Operations
Point to the Thumbnail image
A larger Thumbnail is displayed in a pop-up
Click the Thumbnail image
The file is selected.
The assoc
is opened.
(E.g.: In PDF’s case, “Adobe Acrobat” is
The file name can be changed.
The page
The thumbnail of the entered pa
Click the “Zoom-in/Zoom-out” Button
For , the pop-up thumbnail is magnified,
while for
, the pop-up thumbnail is reduced.
Click the Page Forward button
The thumbnail image changes as follows:
, ad nces by 1 page. va
, advances to the last page.
, goes back by 1 page.
The selected file is moved to th
Drag the Thumbnail image and press the
[Ctrl] key before dropping it on to any
The selected file is copied to the location.
Double-click the Thumbnail image
iated application is started and the file
Double-click the file name
Double-click the Page Number
number can be entered.
ge is displayed.
, goes back to the first page.
Drag the Thumbnail image and drop it on
to any location
e location.