-IBP Plus Service Instructions
12 Prices and data subject to change without notice.
Renewal Parts List
The following parts and assemblies are available as replacement parts for ASTAT-IBP Solid State Starters. Renewal
parts as furnished may not be identical to the original parts since design changes may have been made in the interim.
The parts supplied will, however, be interchangeable with the original parts.
Catalog NumberCatalog Number
DescriptionDescription Where UsedWhere Used
Phase 1Phase 1 Phase 2Phase 2 Phase 3Phase 3
QI3KDP QIX000111 1/phase $117.00
QI3LDP QIX000112 1/phase 117.00
QI3YDP QIX000113 1/phase 117.00
QI3MDP QIX000114 QIX000115 QIX000116 1/phase 430.00
QI3ZDP QIX000117 QIX000118 QIX000119 1/phase 430.00
QI3NDP QIX000120 QIX000121 QIX000122 1/phase 430.00
QI3PDP QIX000123 QIX000124 QIX000125 1/phase 945.00
QI3QDP QIX000126 QIX000127 QIX000128 1/phase 945.00
QI3RDP QIX000129 QIX000130 QIX000131 1/phase 945.00
SCR Module
QI3SDP QIX000132 QIX000133 QIX000134 1/phase 1,512.00
QI3(K,L)DP QIX000135 1 295.00À
QI3(Y,M)DP QIX000136 1 475.00À
QI3(Z,N)DP QIX000137 1 945.00À
QI3(P,Q,R)DP QIX000138 1 1800.00À
Bypass Contactor
QI3SDP QIX000139 1 2700.00
QI3KDP QIX000140 1 140.00
QI3LDP QIX000141 1 140.00
QI3YDP QIX000142 1 140.00
QI3MDP QIX000143 1 140.00
QI3ZDP QIX000144 1 140.00
QI3NDP QIX000145 1 140.00
QI3PDP QIX000146 1 140.00
QI3QDP QIX000147 1 140.00
QI3RDP QIX000148 1 140.00
Protection Circuit Board
QI3SDP QIX000149 1 140.00
Logic Printed Circuit Board with EPROM ALL QIX000150 1 650.00
Power Supply PCB ALL QIX000151 1 360.00
QI3KDP QIX000154 1/phase 40.00Current Transformer
ALL Others QIX000155 1/phase 120.00
QI3(K,L,Y)DP QIX000156 2/phase 35.00
QI3(M,Z,N)DP QIX000157 2/phase 35.00
MOV (with terminals and insulators)
QI3(P,Q,R,S)DP QIX000158 2/phase 35.00
Terminal Strip (Logic P.C.B.) All, 12-point QIX000159 1 16.00
Terminal Strip (Control Power Input to
All, 5-point QIX000160 1 10.00
F2, ALL, 500mA QIX000161 1 3.00Fuses on Power Supply Board (Bussman
Type GMC, 250 Vac)
F1, ALL, 2A QIX000162 1 3.00
Ribbon Cable, Top-Logic Board to Power
Supply Board
ALL QIX000163 1 5.00
Ribbon Cable, Bottom-Logic Board to
Protection Board
ALL QIX000164 1 6.00
Thermostat QC2K,L,M QIX000165 1 10.00
Plastic Cover-ASTAT-IBP Plus ALL QIX000166 1 30.00
À List Price, GO-10C2.