G0474/G0475 Sandblasters
Nozzle Options
Abrasive Options
Some common blasting abrasives are listed below.
All abrasives have benefits and drawbacks such
as quality of surface finish, abrasive life, toxicity,
and what precautions you must take to prevent
environmental damage or personal injury to your
respiratory system.
Steel Type Abrasives
This aggressive abrasive creates a rough fin-
ish that accepts paint well. The abrasive is very
durable and has a long life; however, it MUST be
kept very dry to prevent rusting.
Alumina Type Abrasives
This multi-purpose abrasive creates a smoother
finish than the steel abrasives, but has a short-
er life span. Less of the workpiece surface is
removed with this more forgiving abrasive.
Glass and Garnet Type Abrasives
Typically this abrasive works well for soft metals
and addressing surface issues with equipment
parts where tolerances cannot be affected. The
life of this abrasive is limited and not well suited
for repetitive recycling.
Sand Type Abrasives
This abrasive is easy to find and gives an average
finish that is acceptable for most projects. Sand
has a good recycling life and is very economical.
Other Types of Abrasives Available
Plastic beads.
Ground walnut or peanut shells.
Ground corn cob.
Sodium bicarbonate.
Wheat starch.
Grizzly Blasting Media Part #
G6535: 15 lbs. Aluminum Oxide 220 Grit.
G6536: 15 lbs. Aluminum Oxide 120 Grit.
G6537: 15 lbs. Aluminum Oxide 60 Grit.
G6538: 15 lbs. Glass Bead 50-Micron Grit.
Grizzly Blast Nozzles Part #
P0574002: Nozzle Set (
⁄32" ID).
P0574002-1: #1 Nozzle (
⁄64" ID).
P0574002-2: #2 Nozzle (
⁄8" ID).
P0574002-3: #3 Nozzle (
⁄64" ID).
P0574002-4: #4 Nozzle (
⁄32" ID).
Depressurize the sandblaster, and check
the following items each time you use the
sandblaster and replace any parts immediately
if found to be worn:
• Look for excessively worn or cracked noz-
• Look for leaking thread fittings with soapy
water and a spray bottle.
• Look at the sand blasting hose for thin walls
and bubbling.
• Look for worn or leaking ball valves with
soapy water and a spray bottle.
Hose Hose Nozzle Compressor CFM at Sand Use
ID Length ID HP 125 PSI Per-Hour
3/8" 50 ft 3/32" 2 6 60 lbs
3/8" 25 ft 7/64" 4 12 100 lbs
1/2" 50 ft 1/8" 7 20 150 lbs
1/2" 25 ft 9/64" 10 25 200 lbs
Sandblasting requires a high volume of com-
pressed air. The quality of sandblasting can be
reduced by using the incorrect combination of
nozzle, hose size, air pressure and CFM. Use the
chart below as an estimate to get you started.
Experimentation will lead you to your optimum
settings for your particular sandblasting task.