Figure 41.HejgXZciZgegdeZganZbWZYYZY#
7. L^i] i]Zldg`e^ZXZ hi^aa ViiVX]ZY!^chZgi i]Z
id Installing/Removing Headstock Center
dcPage 22 [dgVYY^i^dcVa^chigjXi^dch#
Note: Use the tool rest to support the opposite
end of the workpiece so that the workpiece
and spur center do not separate.
8. >chiVaa i]Z a^kZ XZciZg ^cid i]Z iV^ahidX` fj^aa
VcYi^\]iZci]Z fj^aaadX`]VcYaZidadX`i]Z
fj^aa ^c edh^i^dc gZ[Zg id Page 23 [dg VYY^"
9. Ha^YZ i]Z iV^ahidX` idlVgY i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ
10. AddhZc i]Zfj^aa adX` ]VcYaZVcY gdiViZi]Z
iV^ahidX` ]VcYl]ZZa id ejh] i]Z a^kZ XZciZg
Do not press the workpiece too firmly with
the tailstock or the bearings will bind and
overheat. Likewise, do not adjust too loosely
or the workpiece will spin off the lathe. Use
good judgment and care, otherwise, serious
personal injury could result.
4. Id ]Zae ZbWZY i]Z hejg XZciZg ^cid i]Z
ldg`e^ZXZ! Xji
¿- YZZe hVl `Zg[h ^c i]Z
cVaa^cZhbVg`ZY^cStep 1#
5. >[ndjgldg`e^ZXZ^hdkZg'm'!Xjii]ZXdg"
cZgh d[[i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ aZc\i]"l^hZid bV`Z
6. 9g^kZ i]Z hejg XZciZg ^cid i]Z ZcY XZciZg
Figure 41#
11. EgdeZganVY_jhii]ZiddagZhiidi]Zldg`e^ZXZ
hZZ Page 21#
Keep the lathe tool resting on the tool
rest the ENTIRE time that it is in contact
with workpiece or when preparing to make
contact between lathe tool and workpiece.
Otherwise, the spinning workpiece could
force the lathe tool out of your hands or
entangle your hands with the workpiece.
Failure to heed this warning could result in
serious personal injury.
12. 7Z[dgZWZ\^cc^c\ aVi]ZdeZgVi^dc!gdiViZi]Z
ldg`e^ZXZ Wn ]VcY id ZchjgZ i]Vi i]ZgZ ^h