
-12- G1066/G1066Z/G1079 Drum Sander
Crank Handle
Figure 3. Crank handle attachment.
Figure 4. Control panel attached to base unit.
The crank handle is normally installed on the
front right lead screw shaft, and is held in place
with two setscrews already threaded into the han-
dle, as shown in Figure 3. The crank handle can
be installed on the right or left side of the machine
to maximize operator comfort and convenience.
G1066Z Control Panel
To mount the control panel to the base unit on
the Model G1066Z:
1. Match the holes in the control arm mounting
plate to the threaded holes on the side of the
the sander.
2. Use the
16"-18 x 1" hex bolts and washers to
secure the control arm to the sander body as
shown in Figure 4.