
G1531 Edge Sander -11-
FFiigguurree 1133..
Installing the
quick release lever.
QQuuiicckk RReelleeaassee LLeevveerr
Loosen the belt tracking lock knob located at
the top left of the machine.
Slide the quick release lever through the slot
on the top of the platen cover. Thread it into
place until it bottoms out.
FFiigguurree 1133..
It may
be necessary to have an assistant push the
idler roller back into the machine to allow the
quick release lever to line up with the thread
in the yoke.
FFiigguurree 1122..
Attaching the miter body.
MMiitteerr BBooddyy
Set the miter body onto its pivot hole and secure
into place with the plastic lock knob provided.
FFiigguurree 1122..
TThhee mmiitteerr bbooddyy sshhoouulldd oonnllyy bbee uusseedd wwhheenn
ssaannddiinngg tthhee eennddss ooff wwoorrkkppiieecceess aatt lleeaasstt 88''''
lloonngg.. DDoo nnoott uussee iitt aass aa bbaacckk ssttoopp..
CCaarree mmuusstt bbee ttaakkeenn ssoo tthhaatt tthhee mmaacchhiinnee iiss
nnoott ttiippppeedd oovveerr dduurriinngg tthhiiss ooppeerraattiioonn..
SSeerriioouuss ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy mmaayy ooccccuurr..