Model H7826 Flooring Nailer-8-
Firing Mechanism
Continually firing the nailer when
empty will cause internal damage. Only
fire the empty nailer once or twice to
ensure it is functioning properly.
The nailer should not fire when connected
to the air supply unless it is fired by hitting
the "whack cap" with the mallet. If the fir-
ing mechanism is not working properly,
the nailer could fire immediately when
connected to the air supply.
Before you load your nailer for the first
time, check the firing mechanism to
ensure safe use.
To check the firing mechanism:
1. Make sure the nailer is disconnect-
ed from the air supply!
2. Make sure the magazine is empty and
contains no nails.
3. Place the flooring nailer on the ground
with the nail aperture facing down,
then connect the air hose. The nailer
should not fire.
— If it does not fire, read step 4.
— If the nailer does fire, immediately
disconnect the nailer from the air
supply and call (570) 546-9663 for
technical support.
4. Place the base of the nailer on a scrap
piece of wood that is clean and free
of any knots, nails, or other foreign
5. Hit the whack cap with the mallet using
moderate force. The nailer should fire.
— If it does fire, then the firing mecha-
nism is working properly. Continue
to the next section.
— If the does not fire, then the fir-
ing mechanism may not be work-
ing correctly or may need service.
Disconnect the nailer from the air
supply and please call (570) 546-
9663 for technical support.
Point the nailer at the ground when
connecting to the air supply. DO NOT
aim in the direction of another person
or a body part.