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Note At any time pressing the DISPLAY key or (ALT+) SETUP keys
the meter will return to the regular operating display.
• Press the æ or key to view the
time of last calibration. The second-
ary display will show “HOU” to
indicate “hour and minute” while the
primary LCD will show the time as
HH:mm format.
• Press the æ or key again to view
the offset in mV at the time of last
calibration. The secondary display
will show “OFF” to indicate “offset”.
• Press the æ or key again to view
the slope in mV/pH at the time of
last calibration. The secondary dis-
play will show “SLO” to indicate
• Press the æ or key again to view
the first memorized buffer at the time
of last calibration. The secondary
display will show “BUF1” to indicate
“first buffer”.
• Press the æ or key again to view
the second memorized buffer (if
present) at the time of last calibra-
tion. The secondary display will show
“BUF2” to indicate “second buffer”.
• Press the æ or key again to re-
turn to the first CAL DATA display
(date) at the time of last calibration.
If the instrument is set as pH meter, the following data about
the last calibration are stored in the EEPROM:
• Date
• time
• offset, in mV
• slope, in mV/pH
• up to two buffers.
If the instrument is set as ORP meter, the data stored in the
EEPROM are the following:
• Date
• time
• first calibration point
• second calibration point.
While displaying these data the HI 504910 continues to
acquire and transmit measurements.
To enter the last calibration data mode,
press (ALT+) CAL DATA.
If the meter has never been calibrated
or an EEPROM reset has occurred, no
calibration data is shown when CAL
DATA is pressed. The “no CAL” mes-
sage will blink for a few seconds, then
the meter skips back to the previous
If the meter is configured to measure pH, once entered the
last calibration data, the following messages could scroll twice
on the primary LCD before showing the calibration date:
• “Old probe”
• “Dead probe”.
Otherwise the last calibration date will
appear on the primary LCD displayed
as DD.MM format, while the second-
ary display will show the last two digit
of the year.
Pressing the key, the meter will cycle through the following
steps in reverse order, i.e. beginning from last buffer.