10.08 - UK v6 Specication subject to change without notice.
The HTS 1.5 lends itself extremely well to automatic stitching
to create a panoramic image in super high quality. With most
subjects it will be impossible to detect any dividing line between
the separate images. The main reasons for this are:
• Thelensisshiftedsidewaysandthereforedoesnotproduce
any distortion of the subject
• TheDAClenscorrectionfordistortionandvignettingensures
perfect images that can easily be stitched together
The resulting image can be created in any high-end stitching
software, e.g. the “Photomerge” function in Adobe Photoshop
CS3 or later.
Place the camera on a tripod and aim it at a subject. Then set
the HTS 1.5 in the normal position with no tilt or shift. Rotate
the HTS 1.5 with the controls facing up to allow for sideways
shift. Make the rst exposure in the mid position. Shift to both
end positions and make an exposure in each position. Develop
the three images with DAC turned on. Import the images into the
stitching software and follow the instructions.
In the case of Adobe Photoshop CS3, use the following proce-
• openthethreeimages
• Gotomenu:“File-Automate-Photomerge”
• Clickon“addopenles”andcheck“interactivelayout”
• ClickOK
• Inthepreviewthatappearsyoucanchoosetomodifythe
layout, but in most cases there will be no need for any manual
• Finally click OK and the nal stiched image will be proc-
If the stitch is not perfect, you can modify the layer masks for
each layer.
HCD28 and HTS 1.5 – The three images above have been merged into one image using Adobe Photoshop CS3 “Photomerge”.
Even at 100% it is almost impossible to see any stitch lines.