Troubleshooting tools
Other network troubleshooting techniques
Other network troubleshooting techniques include the following.
Console and Syslog messages
When a switch experiences a problem, review the console and Syslog messages. The switch displays
these informative messages when state changes and system problems occur. Syslog messages can be
viewed by using the /info/sys/log command. For more information on interpreting syslog messages,
see the HP 10Gb Ethernet BL-c Switch Command Reference Guide.
To verify station-to-station connectivity across the network, execute the following command:
ping <host name> | <IP address> [ (attempts, 1-32) [ msec delay ]] [-m|-mgt|-d|-data]
The IP address is the hostname or IP address of the device. The number of attempts is optional.
Msec delay (optional) is the number of milliseconds between attempts. By default, the -m or -mgt option
for the management port is used. To use data ports, specify the -d or –data option.
Trace route
To identify the route used for station-to-station connectivity across the network, execute the following
traceroute <host name> | <IP address> [<max-hops> [ msec delay ]]
The IP address is the hostname or IP address of the target station. Max-hops (optional) is the maximum
distance to trace (1-32 devices). Msec delay (optional) is the number of milliseconds to wait for the
Statistics and state information
The switch keeps track of a large number of statistics and many of these are error condition counters. The
statistics and state information can be very useful when troubleshooting a LAN or Real Server problem.
For more information about available statistics, see one of the following:
• "Viewing statistics" chapter of the HP 10Gb Ethernet BL-c Switch Browser-based Interface Reference
Guide, or
• "Statistics Menu" chapter of the HP 10Gb Ethernet BL-c Switch Command Reference
Customer support tools
The following diagnostics tools are not user-configurable and should be performed through HP technical
• Offline Diagnostics—This tool is used for troubleshooting suspected switch hardware issues. These
tests verify that the selected hardware is performing within expected engineering specifications.
• Software Panics—If a fatal software condition is found during runtime, the switch will capture the
current hardware and software state information into a panic dump. This dump file can be analyzed
post-mortem to determine the cause of the problem.