Removal and replacement procedures 79
WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! The serial number is loaded into the system during
the manufacturing process and should NOT be modified. This option should only
be used by qualified service personnel. This value should always match the
serial number sticker located on the chassis.
Warning: The serial number should ONLY be modified by qualified personnel.
This value should always match the serial number located on the chassis.
5. Press the Enter key to clear the warning.
6. Enter the serial number and press the Enter key.
7. Select Product ID. The following warning appears:
Warning: The Product ID should ONLY be modified by qualified personnel. This
value should always match the Product ID on the chassis.
8. Enter the product ID and press the Enter key.
9. Press the Esc key to close the menu.
10. Press the Esc key to exit RBSU.
11. Press the F10 key to confirm exiting RBSU. The server automatically reboots.